Villenave 2001
Night Fever is ready to race.The boat had a large re-
fit in 2009-2010. I have taken part in the 2010 series, racing in the Demi Cle, Select, Map, Fastnet and Les Sables-Azores-Les Sable and had a great season.
Hull Airex/epoxy 2006 CLP Marine, Carbon Mast and 2 stage boomerang spreaders, carbon boom Profile composites, carbon bow sprit AMCO, carbon rudders AMCO, carbon out riggers AMCO.
PBO rigging, DSK 75/78 running rigging, All purpose sails, NKE Electronics, safety and security kit, Max Power fuel cell.
32,000 Euro
312 Night Fever A Vendre
Villenave 2001
Night Fever est prêt à courir. Reconditionné en 2009-2010.
J’ai participé en 2010 aux courses Demi Cle, Sélect, Map, Fastnet et Les Sables-Les Açores-Les Sables et ai passé une excellente saison.
Coque Airex/époxy 2006 CLP Marine, mât carbone
(2 étages de barres de Flèches boomerang. Bôme carbone Profil Composite,1 bout-dehors carbone AMCO, 2 Outrigger AMCO, 2 safrans carbone AMCO.
Gréement PBO, Gréement courant DSK 75/78. Voiles All Purpose, électronique NKE, armement sécurité complet, Max Power Combustible.
32,000 Euro

For more information and inventory
email- or tel +447753632163