The big day finally came. Today I packed up all the kit and headed out of Lymington with the boat in tow. Now I’m on the ferry and the tiredness from the last few months has suddenly hit me and a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Its time to put the boat back where it should be and go sailing again!
I want to say a few more thanks, to everyone at Berton for all the help and space to work on the boat especially Chris, Kevin and Pete from the paint shed and Kim from the office. And to all of my mates and family, for all the support over the last few months.
The plan now, is to drive (very slowly) from St. Malo to base in Lorient, then to work on my boat for another week or so, doing all the fine-tuning and setting up the rig. Next a quick trip to Dark Shadow in St.Remo. Then straight back into training and my first event the Demi Cle on the 17th of April, I can’t wait!